Negative Ions May Have Numerous Health Benefits

Negative Ions

A lot of people have been researching the health benefits that may lie within negative ions. Some people use negative ions to help them with infertility, infections, pain, depression, arthritis, migraine, constipation, and inflammation.

They are oxygen atoms that have extra negatively charge electrons. These are found in abundance in nature and are invisible to the naked eye. The areas where these ions can be found are in forests, green mountainsides, after a storm, and near waterfalls.

In nature, negative ions are created as air molecules split apart due to radiation, sunlight, the wind, or moving water. These ions can contribute to a person’s overall well being. There are scientific studies to help prove some of the health benefits.

They can help neutralize free radicals. They also have been found to have some anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects. Some studies show that they can help revitalize people’s metabolisms.

There are even studies showing that negative ions could boost people’s immune functions. These ions are believed to be able to improve blood circulation, purify the blood, and decrease a person’s blood sugar levels.

Negative IonsResearchers have found that negative ions can increase serotonin in the brain. Not only that they found that they can reduce a person’s stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Thus giving a person better sleep and causing them a bit of relaxation.

A few studies even say that negative ions can act as a natural painkiller with anti-inflammatory effects. It can even help improve skin conditions and help against hair loss, according to some studies.

With so many different possible health benefits, why not give it a try.

Written by Sheena Robertson


Med Crave: Miraculous effects of Negative Ions on Urogenital Infections by Mira Bajirova

Phys: New method may lead to better in vivo drug delivery by University of Southern Denmark

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